Thursday, August 25, 2011

Collections: Everyone's got one. What is yours?

So as I jump back into this blog, I will focus on pretty things, inspirational things, and things that make me happy. I love to collect. I've always been a collector. I've collected worms (which always squirmed away when I wasn't looking), stickers, Strawberry Shortcake paraphernalia, rainbows, books, music, milk glass, dishes, pin-ups, maps, postcards, anything to do with Manhattan. The list goes on. My intention is not to end up on A&E's Hoarders (this chargins my husband) but rather rescue and curate lovely (often old and worn) things. So tell me. What do you collect?


Stine Family said...

Knitting needles, pretty yarn, cookbooks, and antique kitchen items are my weakness. I also have a growing assortment of mismatched china pieces that fit together perfectly.

sugar paperie said...

I love mismatched china too. They make great art pieces when hung on the wall.